Updated Articles

  1. SMS Opt-In with Consent

    Read this to learn how the Opt-In Flow collects consent for MultiLine users to send SMS or instant messages to users. Overview Opt-In with Consent is a texting disclaimer that requires a mandatory response. In this flow, businesses present consume...
  2. About Texting Disclaimers

    Texting disclaimers add an extra layer of protection for both consumers and businesses. They inform recipients: (1) who is sending the messages, (2) the type and frequency of messages to expect, and (3) how to opt-out if they wish to stop receiving ...
  3. SMS Group Messaging (US and Canada Only) - MultiLine for Intune

  4. Voicemail - MultiLine for Intune

  5. WhatsApp Messaging Connector - MultiLine for Intune Android

    Read on to learn about sending and replying to messages with WhatsApp Messaging Connector.  Overview The WhatsApp Messaging Connector allows compliant WhatsApp messaging directly inside MultiLine.  MultiLine users can send WhatsApp m...
  6. WhatsApp Messaging Connector - MultiLine for Intune iOS

    Read on to learn about sending and replying to messages with WhatsApp Messaging Connector.  Overview The WhatsApp Messaging Connector allows compliant WhatsApp messaging directly inside MultiLine.  MultiLine users can send WhatsApp m...
  7. SMS group messaging in MultiLine Desktop

    SMS Group Messaging in MultiLine Desktop
  8. SMS group messaging in MultiLine Desktop

    Read on to learn about SMS group messaging in MultiLine Desktop. Overview You can send group messages in the mobile app and in the desktop and your conversations will be synced in either device. Creating a new group message For messages ...
  9. Sending Group Messages - Android

    Read on to learn about sending group messages in the mobile MultiLine Android application.   Overview You can send group messages by adding multiple participants to the To: list for your message. When users send group messages, all responses ...
  10. Sending Group Messages - iOS

    Read on to learn about sending group messages in the mobile MultiLine iOS application.   Overview You can send group messages by adding multiple participants to the To: list for your message. When users send group messages, all responses can ...