Quick Start Guides: MultiLine Mobile Android apps

The quick start guides below provide a basic introduction to the Android mobile app.  For iOS, see Quick Start Guides: MultiLine Mobile iOS apps

How to pick your Quick Start Guide

Because there are multiple ways that your company can set up MultiLine, we offer different types of guides. 

  • Type column allows easy communication about the guides available
  • Description column provides information about the content of the guide
  • App column tells you which apps are supported (MultiLine, Movius for BlackBerry, MultiLine for Intune)
  • Download column provides a link for downloading the guide

We offer guides that include activation and those that do not and only cover the various features and screens available for use. 

For the guides that include activation, companies have different options as to how to set this up for their users. Read the description to determine which type of guide your end-users need.

  • Users receive emails with QR codes. (Scan QR)
  • Users activate using SSO (SSO)
  • Users must verify their number with an OTP PIN code (OTP PIN Verification) 
  • Users do not verify their number with an OTP PIN code (No OTP PIN Verification option)

All Quick Start Guides for Android

  • Activation
    • Scan QR 
    • OTP PIN Verification
  • Calling
  • Messaging
  • Contacts 
  • All Settings
  • Voicemail
Android: MML_(TYPE A) Getting Started Android with Onboarding .pdf
  • Activation
    • SSO 
    • No OTP PIN Verification
  • Calling
  • Messaging
  • Contacts 
  • All Settings
  • Voicemail
Android: ML Intune(TYPE B) Getting Started Android with Onboarding SSO no PIN.pdf
  • Activation
    • SSO
    • OTP PIN Verification
  • Calling
  • Messaging
  • Contacts 
  • All Settings
  • Voicemail

Android: ML Intune(TYPE C) Getting Started Android with SSO Onboarding and OTP.pdf
  • Activation
    • SSO 
    • Both OTP and no OTP screens
  • Calling
  • Messaging 
  • Contacts 
  • All Settings
  • Voicemail

Android: ML Intune(TYPE D) - Getting Started Android with Onboarding both PIN flows.pdf
  • No Activation
  • Calling
  • Messaging
  • Contacts 
  • All Settings
  • Voicemail

Android: MML Getting Started Android.pdf
  • Activation (Data Only)
  • Calling
  • Messaging
  • Contacts
  • All Settings
  • Voicemail
Android: TabletComing soon...
About this Article
  • Created: 02/08/2024 10:04 am EST
  • Last updated: 06/27/2024 11:44 am EDT
Release Notes