Deployment FAQ

How disruptive will this rollout be to our operations?

We chose MultiLine because it’s easy to deploy and simple to use. Most new users can call or text within minutes of downloading the app, with little or no training. After that, the product will fit seamlessly into your workflows.

Does MultiLine work with our existing Mobile Device Management(MDM)?

Yes, MultiLine is designed to work with your existing MDM. We have specially integrated versions of the app for BlackBerry Dynamics and Microsoft Intune, but the applications are also compatible with any other MDM or EMM. 

Can you help me understand the mobile recording option?

For both calling and messaging, you can define which organizations need their calls and messages recorded, and which do not. You can choose to record both calls and messaging, or only calling or messaging. Movius can also configure features such as a call announcement stating "Your call is being recorded" and periodic beep, to meet the requirements of your local legislation. We offer many options for securely transferring the communications to your compliance archive. 

The benefit of using MultiLine is that you'll only be capturing the data of business calls and messages made using MultiLine. This protects the privacy of employees and helps them be at ease with a BYOD mobile phone policy. We have information available to share with your users about their privacy in our Privacy FAQ

How will this impact employees’ monthly mobile bill?

We anticipate that there will be little or no change to the monthly mobile phone bill of most employees. First, most mobility plans include unlimited text and voice calling—so no extra costs there. Second, MultiLine supports text, voice, and data on Wi-Fi networks—so that’s free. Third, even for people with tiered data plans, the average data usage for MultiLine is only 100MB per month, which isn’t likely to push anyone over the typical 3 - 4 GB monthly limit.


  • Check out your usage statistics collected from your corporate mobile estate. For example, one organization determined that 82% of all corporate device users used less than .5GB of data per month—and that’s for all enterprise mobile apps and communications.
  • You can address cost concerns by offering employees a monthly stipend or reimbursing employees for unusual expenses, such as when roaming.

Do you offer support during integrations setup?

If you're integrating with Microsoft Teams, WhatsApp, WeChat, LINE, etc we have special instructions for you in our Customer Hub. Your Account Manager will grant you access to these materials.

About this Article
  • Created: 11/01/2023 5:14 pm EDT
  • Last updated: 02/12/2024 4:42 pm EST
Release Notes