Call & Messages Back-Up

Read on to learn about the Call and Messages Back-Up setting.


The MultiLine service allows for calls and messages to be available on mobile apps, desktop apps, and integrations. The Call and Messages Back-up feature allows for syncing between these services as well as recovering data for mobile apps when users install and reinstall. 

Call and Messages Back-Up Setting

Call & Messages Back-Up shows the sync time period for the call logs and message history between the MultiLine mobile apps and the MultiLine desktop apps, including the browser app and the MultiLine for Microsoft Teams app. This setting is visible in Feature Settings > Messages > Call & Messages Back-Up.  

The Sync Time Period cannot exceed the contractually agreed time that Movius holds messages on our platform (Retention Policy).

Mobile App Call and Message Backup

When MultiLine users install and reinstall mobile apps, the app can pull up to the last 150 calls and unlimited messages within the sync time period. 

About this Article
  • Created: 05/17/2023 8:35 am EDT
  • Last updated: 12/14/2023 12:25 pm EST
Release Notes