Secure recording offload service

This article provides a description of our secure recording offload service, an option of the Movius solution that provides offloading of voice, SMS recordings, and (if enabled) social messages using SFTP or SMTP.


We offer a simple method for your enterprise to receive permanent copies of your call, SMS, and (if enabled) WhatsApp message activity for compliant archival.

  • Your enterprise will have access to recordings as often as the data is uploaded.
  • Our secure recording offload service can temporarily store the data in the event of a short-term outage or maintenance preventing you from receiving its data. 
  • It doesn't require the dedicated private connections of other methods. 
  • It doesn't require specialized equipment in your Data Center.

The Movius platform will export recordings at regular pre-defined intervals. The secure recording offload service supports SFTP and SMTP Protocols. 

SFTP Offload Flow

The SFTP Offload solution uses secure SFTP connections to periodically push recordings into a customer provided SFTP server where an intermediary can retrieve for integration with the customer archiving platform. 

  1. For voice: 
    1. CSV files with metadata and audio files (WAV) with the content. 
    2. Transfer is scheduled every 30 minutes.
  2. For SMS: 
    1. CSV files with metadata and the content. 
    2. Transfer is scheduled every 24 hours.
  3. Once the information is transferred, the Movius platform will purge the audio recording file, wiping it clean before deleting. 

SMTP Offload Flow

The SMTP Offload solution uses SMTP to push messages into the customer provided journaling mailbox. 

For the SMTP Offload solution:

  • Movius encapsulates each SMS as an .EML file
  • Movius sends the EML file via SMTP to a specified customer journaling mailbox
  • Customer digests the EML file into their e-mail archiving solution
  • The records and media are securely deleted from Movius after successful transfer to the journaling mailbox

Movius configures the secure recording offload service for you. The service is configured at the main organization of your enterprise and applies to all sub-organizations.

API Offload Flow

The API Offload solution allows an enterprise to use APIs to list retrieve and manage call and message recordings. 

The API Offload works through the Movius Platform API (HTTP-based protocol). Third-party systems can use this interface to get a list of monitored recordings based on search criteria. Using that list, the call recording or media text for a particular item in the list can be pulled using the ADK. For example, the external system could be set up to pull a list once an hour for a given organization, then pull all the media recorded during that hour. 


Movius deploys processing for voice and messages independently in order to meet differentiated compliance requirements. In this configuration, Movius offloads the Metadata and Message Recording content once a day to the customer's SFTP or SMTP server. Movius also offloads the Metadata and Call Recording content every 30 minutes to the customer's SFTP server. 

Movius recommends that the customer dimension their servers to accommodate for the Compliance Data Offload. This allows the solution to offer optimal levels of data offload speed and compliance with regulatory requirements. 

Movius deploys the solution behind a 10 Gbps outbound connection to ensure exceptional transfer speed and bandwidth to our Customers. The outbound connection runs at a very low data saturation rate meaning that there is ample connectivity to support the transfer speed and bandwidth demands for the secure recording offload service. 

Offload Interval

The offloads follow the audio offload timing of 30-minute intervals. The offload will begin but may not be completed before the next 30-minute interval occurs. In this case, the next batch of offloads will be queued and will start once the first batch has completed. Each offload has unique date, time, and hash information that will allow us to complete the offload to the customer’s SFTP location for voice without any loss of data

The service offloads for Message Recording run once a day and offloads to the customer's SFTP or SMTP location for messages. The Metadata for Message Recording is much smaller than for voice and is processed and transferred in a short period of time. 

The service offloads will contain WAV formatted audio that ensure the highest level of audio quality in the event that the customer’s Compliance team needs to review Employee/Customer conversations. This audio is provided in media files using G.711 u-law 8-bit encoding. 

Offload Performance Monitoring

The service provides information about when it starts, how many audio files it offloads, and when it completed. This information is stored in Movius' observability solution for real-time review and historical analysis. 

This information is available to our Operations and Support organizations for monitoring the offload performance and will be made available to the customer in an ad-hoc report as required. 

For more information on what you need to provide Movius to setup the secure recording offload service, example file formats, and more, please see the Movius Call and Messaging Recording Options documentation (Requires Help Center Account to view). 

About this Article
  • Created: 10/18/2021 2:32 pm EDT
  • Last updated: 03/01/2024 11:15 am EST
Release Notes