
Our goal is to help you achieve a successful MultiLine rollout with maximum business value. 

MultiLine ensures reliable, quality mobile communications for employees in customer-facing roles, including financial services, healthcare, government, education, and trade professions.

The software-based service includes:

  • Mobile and Desktop apps to call and message
    • Optional compliance features, such as call and message recording, automating consent to message, and more
  • Management Portal
    • administrative tools for fast, online provisioning and understanding your organization's MultiLine usage

We Promise to you: 

A rapid rollout

  • Users up and running in minutes
  • Everything online and no visit to IT required

Rock solid reliability

  • Works on any mobile device
  • Works in any home environment
  • Works around the world

We need you to:

Don't worry - We'll guide you through this:

Quantify Mobile Usage

Find out how much your phones are currently costing you. Include monthly usage statistics for mobile data and calls. These figures are important inputs to your rollout strategy and business case.

Devise An Engagement Plan

Prepare a plan to build awareness and acceptance for MultiLine for your leadership and employees.

Establish Success Metrics

Define how you will measure success given the objectives for your MultiLine deployment. Common metrics include number of corporate phones retired and user satisfaction scores.

About this Article
  • Created: 11/01/2023 5:04 pm EDT
  • Last updated: 11/06/2023 5:52 pm EST
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