Onboarding End Users

End users love the convenience and simplicity of MultiLine. A little upfront communication and education prepares employees to adopt the service.

Seeing is believing

Demo the MultiLine app to dismantle concerns and highlight key features. 

You can share the demo we have available on our YouTube channel.

If an end user is having trouble registering because they cannot find their company credentials, recommend that that they check out the invalid credential article here or have them contact your company's IT team.

Highlight user benefits

Get people excited about using MultiLine by emphasizing its many end user advantages, including convenience, choice, and the clear separation of work and personal communications.

Offer self-help resources

Make self-help resources—like how-to videos, FAQs, and knowledge base articles— easily available to end users. Movius and our partners offer a variety of ready-made training materials for you to use.

The most effective self-help resources are short how-to videos on basic MultiLine functions. •

Leverage the educational resources provided by Movius and our partners or create your own training tools.

Make sure your Help Desk is briefed on MultiLine and knows where to direct users for more information. They'll also find our User Troubleshooting guide a helpful resource.

Counter user concern

Clearly address end users’ questions about conducting business on their personal phone. Reassure them about MultiLine’s privacy and overcome cost concerns with actual usage data.

We answer common user concerns in our Privacy FAQ.

Set up an email campaign

When you’re ready to onboard users, send a series of emails before, during, and after the go-live date. Track end user activation to determine the need for follow-up communications.

At T minus 2 or 3 Weeks before Go-Live, Send Email 1: Introduction. Explain Why we're doing this, what to expect, end user benefits, and provide links to FAQs. On Go-Live day, send Email 2. Welcom users to MultiLine, explain how to activate, and provide link to Help Center or Help Resources. After 1-2 weeks, send Email 3: follow up with non-activated users. Remind users how to activate. As needed continue to email non-activated users.

Additional resources

About this Article
  • Created: 11/22/2021 4:21 pm EST
  • Last updated: 11/01/2023 6:12 pm EDT
Release Notes