Quantify the Savings

 “MultiLine was a lifesaver.” Global Head of Enterprise Mobile

Mobilizing employees can be expensive. MultiLine can help you contain mobility costs by enabling or accelerating a shift to BYOD. If that’s part of your business case, be sure to consider these expenses when calculating your savings:

  • Device purchase
  • Device insurance
  • Device provisioning
  • Device replacement
  • Service contract
  • SIM contract
  • Recording technology
  • Maintenance and support

Customer Savings With MultiLine

A global bank expects to avoid more than $13 million in costs by using MultiLine to encourage BYOD adoption. The move eliminates the need to replace thousands of legacy corporate devices.

Template to calculate savings

Download to use the sheet: Calculating Savings with MultiLine.xlsx

a. Number of corporate devices in your fleet
b.Number of devices that need to be replaced in the next 12-24 months

Device Costs
c. Cost to purchase device
d.Cost to provision device
e.Cost to insure device
f.Overhead costs per device (support, repair, maintenance, etc)
g.Total costs per device (c + d + e + f)

Cost Avoidance for Devices
h.Total costs per device x number of devices that need to be replaced (g x b)

Service Costs
i.Cost of mobile service per user per month
j.Cost of mobile recording per user month (if needed)
k.Total service costs per user per month (i + j)
l.Cost of MultiLine Service per user per month
m.Savings on service costs per user per month (k - l)

Total Savings on Service Costs
n.Savings on service cost per user per month x number of devices that need to be replaced (m x b)
o.Annual savings on service costs (12 x n)

About this Article
  • Created: 11/22/2021 3:48 pm EST
  • Last updated: 11/06/2023 5:48 pm EST
Release Notes