Delete or suspend an Admin account

Read on to learn how to delete or suspend admin accounts. 


Admin accounts provide access to the Management Portal. API admin accounts connect the Management Portal to outside software. You can delete or suspend admin accounts when necessary. This will remove or suspend the ability of the account to access the Management Portal. 

Before you Start

  • An admin must have "Administrators" Privilege in their Role in the organization to do these instructions.  See What Admin Privileges are in Management Portal?.
  • Be very careful before deleting API admins. Deleting them will cause the connector to break. 

Delete an admin

  1. Go to the organization where you want to perform the action. 
  2. Click Administrators from the main menu. 
  3. Select the checkmark for the Admin you want to delete.
  4. Click the edit pencil. 
  5. Click the Delete button and confirm. 

Suspend an admin

  1. Go to the organization where you want to perform the action. 
  2. Click Administrators from the main menu. 
  3. Select the checkmark for the Admin you want to suspend.
  4. Click the edit pencil. 
  5. Select the checkmark for either Login suspended or Account suspended.
About this Article
  • Created: 03/04/2022 11:00 am EST
  • Last updated: 07/14/2023 10:36 am EDT
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