MultiLine for Salesforce | FAQ

Read on for answers to common questions about MultiLine for Salesforce. 

Q: How do I install the MultiLine for Salesforce app?

A: Salesforce Administrators install the app directly from AppExchange [External Link]

Q: Which Salesforce Editions are compatible with this integration?

A: Enterprise, Professional, and Unlimited

Q: Does MultiLine for Salesforce work with Salesforce Classic?

A: MultiLine for Salesforce is available only on Salesforce Lightning.

Q: Can I send a message or call an International number?

A: International calling and messaging is available on MultiLine for Salesforce with a MultiLine subscription plan.

Q: How do I get the recordings of the messages and the calls made from MultiLine for Salesforce?

A: With the MultiLine subscription plan, the recordings of the messages and the calls made from MultiLine for Salesforce are available both in the Management Portal and on the archival system. 

Q: Are all the calls made from Salesforce logged in the reports on the Management Portal?

A: Yes, all calls made from Salesforce are logged in the reports on Management Portal.

Q: How do I tag an Opportunity to the call with a Contact?

A: Call log provides a selectable menu of all the Opportunities that the contact is associated with. You can tag Opportunity to the call by selecting the appropriate Opportunity from the drop-down. 

Q: Where are the calls made with customers logged?

A: All the incoming and outgoing calls are automatically captured and logged as a task under the Activity list of the contact/lead.

Q: Are all calls made in the MultiLine app logged in Salesforce?

A: Yes, all the call made from MultiLine app are logged in Salesforce. However, the calls made from the Salesforce are not logged in the MultiLine app.

Q: Does MultiLine for Salesforce have voicemail capabilities?

A: Under Recent Messages in MultiLine for Salesforce utility, you will see an entry of the voicemail received. 

Options for listening to the voicemail:

a. User dials their MultiLine number from the keypad in MultiLine for Salesforce.

b. User plays voicemail from the MultiLine app.

c. User calls MultiLine Number from any other device. Let the call go to the voicemail and then press * and password to hear the Voicemail.

Q: Can I log notes on the call after the call has ended?

A: Yes, you can enter the notes from the Recent Calls list, Call log, or in the Call Activity Task on the Contact, Lead, Person Account, or Opportunity.

Q: Where are the messages exchanged with the customers logged?

A: This integration uses a custom Related List component that logs all the messages exchanged. The component groups all the daily communication between the user and the Contact or Lead. 

Q: Do the messages sent from the MultiLine for Salesforce sync on the MultiLine app instantly?

A: Yes, the syncing of the messages is real-time.

Q: Are all the messages exchanged from Salesforce logged in the reports on MultiLine Admin Portal?

A: Yes, all the messages exchanged from Salesforce are logged in the reports on MultiLine Admin Portal.

Q: Are group messages supported in MultiLine for Salesforce?

A: MMS is currently not supported in MultiLine for Salesforce. You cannot send group messages from MultiLine for Salesforce. Incoming group message will appear as individual message in the Recent messages log.

Q: Is Picture messaging supported in MultiLine for Salesforce?

A: MMS is currently not supported in MultiLine for Salesforce. You cannot send Picture Messages from MultiLine for Salesforce. Incoming picture message will be replaced with “Unsupported multimedia”.

Q: Are the compliance features as SMS Opt-in and Redaction available in MultiLine for Salesforce?

A: Yes, the compliance features as SMS Opt-in and Redaction are available in MultiLine for Salesforce with MultiLine subscription plan.

Q: How can I see contacts from MultiLine for Salesforce in the MultiLine app on my device?

A: Currently contacts between MultiLine for Salesforce and the MultiLine app are not synched.

Q: Are the notes entered in the MultiLine for Salesforce seen in the MultiLine app?

A: Notes entered in the MultiLine for Salesforce are not visible in the MultiLine app. MultiLine app does not support adding notes to the calls.

Q: How can I manage my availability from MultiLine for Salesforce?

A: Out of office setting allows you to configure an automated message that will sent as a reply to all text messages received during the out of office time period. ‘Out of office’ functionality in MultiLine for Salesforce is only for the messages. You can manage your availability for incoming calls in the MultiLine app on your device.

Q: Can I block a contact from Salesforce?

A: Contact cannot be blocked from within Salesforce; however, if a caller is blocked in the MultiLine app, calls from that number will not ring in Salesforce either.

Q: Can I create reports on the calls and messages exchanged on MultiLine for Salesforce?

A: Yes, MultiLine for Salesforce logs calls as tasks and logs messages as custom objects under Related List. Reports can be created using these tasks and the associated custom objects.

Q: On clicking the MultiLine for Salesforce utility, I see the error “MultiLine registration failed”.

A: This error occurs when the account for the Salesforce user is not found on the Movius platform. Make sure that your email address associated with your Salesforce account has a MultiLine account on MultiLine Admin Portal.

Q: What happens if I register for E911 service from Salesforce and later onboard using MultiLine application?

A: When you onboard using MultiLine application, it will detect that your account is already registered for E911 and it will not ask to accept E911 Terms and Conditions again on MultiLine application.

Q: Is Simultaneous / Sequential call handling configured in MultiLine app on the device supported in MultiLine for Salesforce?

A: Yes, Simultaneous / Sequential call handling configured in MultiLine app on the device supported in MultiLine for Salesforce. However, for proper functioning, it is essential that the MultiLine app be set on Data mode for incoming calls.

Q: What is the behavior in MultiLine for Salesforce if I set the MultiLine app to Do Not Disturb (DND)?

A: If someone calls when MultiLine app is set to Do Not Disturb (DND), MultiLine for Salesforce will show a missed call from that number, whereas MultiLine app does not show the missed call.

Q: How do I re-register Salesforce user?

A: Steps to Re-register:

  1. Under ‘User details’, go to Additional Information section.
  2. Clear MultiLine error field, MultiLine field and MultiLine Registration Date. Save the settings.
  3. Ask user to logout and login again.

Q: Can I build report from any of the MultiLine objects?

A: Yes. Reports can be built out of MultiLine messages and MultiLine logs (Both explained below in detail)

Q: How do I generate Reports for MultiLine messages / MultiLine logs?

A: Steps to generate Reports: 

  1. From app launcher, select Reports.
  2. Click New Report.
  3. Search MultiLine logs or MultiLine messages
  4. If no MultiLine logs or MultiLine messages are found
    1. Go to Setup > Object Manager. 
    2. Click on MultiLine logs / MultiLine messages > Edit. 
    3. Under Optional Features, select Allow Reports

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  1. Once reporting is enabled,  MultiLine logs /MultiLine messages will be visible in the reports list.

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  1. Create new report,
  2. Add the needed filters and columns to build the desired report. 
    • Example for MultiLine logs: 
      • Error Message
      • Last Modified by
      • Owner
  3. Example for MultiLine Messages:
    • Contact
    • Conversations
    • From
    • To
    • Last modified by
  4. These reports can be downloaded in .xls format

Q: What information can I get from MultiLine Messages report?

A: MultiLine messages report gives information of all the messages that come to Salesforce from Movius Platform

Sample of the information stored in each MultiLine message record:

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Q: What information can I get from MultiLine log report?

A: Errors in the Http Response can be found in the details of each record in MultiLine log report

Sample of the information stored in each MultiLine log record:

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Q: How do I confirm whether the user is enabled in Salesforce?

A: Steps to confirm whether the user is enabled:

  1. In the management portal, access the user’s account.
  2. If the user is successfully registered on Salesforce, under MultiLine Profile, go to the Activity tab. If the user is enabled in Salesforce, the Activity history will show a record for the Salesforce login.

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Q: How do I confirm if Salesforce is enabled for the organization in the Management Portal?

A: Steps to enable the organization in Management Portal:

1. Go to the Administrator tab. Add API User option must be available for the organization

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2. Administrators > Add API User: ‘Salesforce’ must be available in the ‘External Applications’ drop down.

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3. Setup > Webhook Events: this section will be visible only if Salesforce is correctly enabled for the organization.

Q: How do I confirm if MultiLine for Salesforce was successfully configured for the organization?

A: Steps to confirm configuration:

  1. Go to Movius Platform > Setup > Webhook Events.
  2. Check for a list of 4 webhook events.  

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For further troubleshooting

Contact T-Mobile technical support and they can open a ticket with Movius. Movius and T-Mobile technical support will work together to resolve the issue, and you’ll be updated on their issue by Sprint technical support.  

Note: If a Salesforce user sends any calls or SMS to T-mobile’s technical support team from their account as part of troubleshooting, it will create a contact named “Movius Internal”. Have the Salesforce user or a Salesforce admin delete the contact after troubleshooting is completed.

About this Article
  • Created: 08/08/2022 9:05 am EDT
  • Last updated: 08/08/2022 9:38 am EDT
Release Notes