Yes, MultiLine can prove that data moving over its network hasn't been intercepted and changed?
- Data stored on the apps consist of Call history, SMS history and voicemail..
- All data between the client and server is encrypted
- SIP over TLS uses SHA2 with RSA
- Secure RTP SRTP between client and server uses AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80
- Restful WEB Services uses HTTPS
- The Movius for Blackberry apps (Android and iOS) communicate via POST with the server hence the data between the client and server cannot be viewed by a third party.
- SSL Pinning ensure that the client checks the server’s certificate against a known copy of that certificate only, which ultimately prevents a man in the middle attack.
- For Movius for Blackberry Android app, the application uses SQL cipher that performs transparent and on the fly encryption to DB.
- For Movius for Blackberry iOS app, the application uses Core data enabled with Data Protection Options and SQL Cipher to encrypt the DB.