Invite Admins to Management Portal

Learn how to add, delete or edit an admin profile in the Administrator section of Management Portal.


Admin accounts allows people in your organization to access the Management Portal. 

Before you Start

Invite admins

  1. Go to the organization where you want to perform the action. 
  2. Click Administrator.
  3. Click Add New Administrator.
    Administrator screen
  4. Enter the details for a new administrator.
    • Note that the default language is English but can be modified by the administrator when they review their own profile. Movius currently supports English, Spanish, and Portuguese languages.
  5. Click Save.
    Administrator Personal Details Screen

You've invited the admins!

An email will be sent to the new admins which will contain their login credentials and a system-generated password. On the first login, the administrator will be prompted to set their own password. 

If you want to check whether administrators have onboarded, you can monitor administrator status in Administrator Reports (see Managing reports on MultiLine Admins). 

About this Article
  • Created: 10/18/2021 5:41 pm EDT
  • Last updated: 07/21/2023 10:46 am EDT
Release Notes