What options are there for sending MultiLine users activation information?

You can send MultiLine users their activation information using email or SMS. These messages are called MultiLine invitations. 

Both invitation types are customizable. 

SMS invitations

SMS invitations go to the user's phone number. They will contain an activation link (optional) and the required information for activation (optional), including Organization ID, Username (their phone number), and Password. 

Depending on your deployment type, the end user may not actually require the Organization ID, Username, or Password to complete the process. However, it can be beneficial to include as a backup option.


  • To send activation information with an SMS invitation, you must include the native device phone number as the username when adding a user to the Management Portal
  • Not compatible with Data-Only onboarding

Email invitations

Email invitations go to the user's email address. They can contain a QR code (optional), a Download button (optional), and the required information for activation (optional), including Organization ID, Username (their email), and Password.

Depending on your deployment type, the end user may not actually require the Organization ID, Username, or Password to complete the process. However, it can be beneficial to include as a backup option.


  • To send activation information with an email invitation, you must include the user's email information as the username when adding a user to the Management Portal
  • To include a QR code that the user can use for activation, you must place the text "{qr_code_img}" where you want the QR code to appear
  • To include a button that the user can use for activation, you must place the text "{sign_in_btn}" where you want the button to appear
About this Article
  • Created: 09/22/2023 5:09 pm EDT
  • Last updated: 09/22/2023 5:24 pm EDT
Release Notes