Updated Articles

  1. How do I contact support? | iOS Updated

    How to get in touch with support.
  2. How do I contact support? | Android Updated

    When you need help from support, tap your Settings  menu, then Help. Select Settings , then Help .  Choose how you want to contact support: Email a Log to Support:   If you've been requested to email logs, t...
  3. Quick Start Guides: MultiLine Mobile Android apps Updated

    The quick start guides below provide a basic introduction to the Android mobile app.  For iOS, see Quick Start Guides: MultiLine Mobile iOS apps How to pick your Quick Start Guide Because there are multiple ways that your company can set ...
  4. MultiLine Messaging | Version 2.2.0 | Release Notes New

    This is the planned content and schedule for MultiLine Messaging for Microsoft Teams Version 2.2.0. Deployment Date: July 7, 2024 What's New? MultiLine Messaging for Microsoft Teams: Help Widget We're adding a help widget to the Mul...
  5. WeChat Messaging

  6. WeChat Messaging - Android

    Read on to learn about using MultiLine for WeChat Messaging.  Overview MultiLine's WeChat Messaging Channel allows compliant WeChat messaging directly inside MultiLine.  MultiLine users can send WeChat messages to contacts, and th...
  7. Teams MultiLine Messaging Release Notes

  8. MultiLine Desktop Release Notes

  9. MultiLine Desktop | Version 2.2.0 | Release Notes New

    This is the planned content and schedule for MultiLine for Desktop Version 2.2.0. Deployment Date: July 7, 2024 What's New? Leave 1:1 Social Messaging Conversations Social Messaging platforms limit the number of business users who can ...
  10. WeChat - MultiLine