Updated Articles

  1. Sending Picture Messages

    Read on to learn about sending picture messages in the mobile application.   Overview You can send picture messages by attaching a file or taking a photo with your camera. Note: If you take the photo with your camera, this photo stays entire...
  2. Sending Picture Messages - Intune

    Read on to learn about sending picture messages in the mobile application.   Overview You can send picture messages by attaching a file or taking a photo with your camera. Note: If you take the photo with your camera, this photo stays entire...
  3. WeChat Messaging - iOS Intune

    Read on to learn about using MultiLine for WeChat Messaging.  Overview MultiLine's WeChat Messaging Channel allows compliant WeChat messaging directly inside MultiLine.  MultiLine users can send WeChat messages to contacts, and they...
  4. WeChat Group Messages - Intune

  5. 3-Party and Conference Calling - Intune

  6. Transfer a Call - Intune

  7. GDPR Privacy Setting - Android

    Read on to learn about Privacy Settings in the MultiLine Android app.  Overview GDPR requires applications to get user consent to allow the use of their personal data and to allow users to revoke it at any time. Users are asked or consent to ...
  8. GDPR Privacy Setting - Android Intune

    Read on to learn about Privacy Settings in the MultiLine Android app.  Overview GDPR requires applications to get user consent to allow the use of their personal data and to allow users to revoke it at any time. Users are asked or consent to ...
  9. Control MultiLine ring when using Teams - Android

    Read on to learn about turning off the MultiLine app ringing when using Microsoft Teams for calling.  Overview If you are using MultiLine calling with Microsoft Teams app, you can silence the ring on the MultiLine app. That way both apps won&...
  10. Control MultiLine ring when using Teams - Android Intune

    Read on to learn about turning off the MultiLine app ringing when using Microsoft Teams for calling.  Overview If you are using MultiLine calling with Microsoft Teams app, you can silence the ring on the MultiLine app. That way both apps won&...