Updated Articles

  1. About Movius Management Portal Single Sign On

    Read on to learn about the Movius Management Portal Single Sign On (SSO) feature implemented in April 2022.  Overview Single Sign On allows Management Portal administrators to use their organization credentials to access the Management Portal...
  2. Customize SMS invitations

    How to customize SMS invitations. We provide a default SMS invitation with the required information that you can edit according to the needs of your organization.
  3. Customize email invitations

    How to customize email invitations. We provide a default email invitation with the required information which you can edit according to the needs of your organization.
  4. Delete or suspend an Admin account

    How to delete an admin account
  5. Customize the Portal

    Read on to learn about customizing the Management Portal.  Overview We allow you to set your company logo in the Management Portal.  Before you start  Personalizing the Portal To personalize the Portal branding: Go to Setu...
  6.  MultiLine for Salesforce demo video

    Watch a short video introduction to MultiLine for Salesforce
  7. Create user permissions

    How to add user permissions that define which app features are available to users of the MultiLine app.
  8. Resend invitations to Management Portal Admins

    Read this to learn how to resend invitations to admins if they lose theirs or have trouble logging in.
  9. Edit Administrator profile

    Read on to learn how to edit your Administrator profile Overview Your profile is a record of your information as an administrator of this organization. You can edit your profile by adding new information such as your Profile Photo, Address, Time z...
  10. Management Portal How-To Videos

    Download all videos  Portal 2.zip Overview of Management Portal Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Add an account (Send invitation) Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Resend an invitation Your browser does not s...