Updated Articles

  1. Edit ringtone and notification preferences - iOS

    Read on to learn how to change the notification/ring sounds on your MultiLine in your settings. Overview You can set separate notification sounds for receiving calls and texts on MultiLine when using Data mode.  Before you start  If y...
  2. Edit ringtone and notification preferences - Android

    Read on to learn how to change the notification/ring sounds on your MultiLine in your settings. Overview You can set separate notification sounds for receiving calls and texts on MultiLine when using Data mode.  Before you start  If y...
  3. Edit ringtone and notification preferences - Android

    Read on to learn how to change the notification/ring sounds on your MultiLine in your settings. Overview You can set separate notification sounds for receiving calls and texts on MultiLine when using Data mode.  Before you start  If y...
  4. Join the MultiLine Beta Testing Program

  5. Join the MultiLine beta testing program - Android

    Step 1: Use your phone to check your email for the Firebase invitation Open and read the invitation email as it includes important instructions for joining the test program. Note: The invitation to the test app will be sent to the em...
  6. Calls - Desktop

    Read on to learn about calling in MultiLine Desktop.  Overview MultiLine Desktop supports 1:1 voice calls. You can also place a call on hold and switch between them.  How to use Desktop Calling Making a call There are multiple ways to...
  7. Calls - Movius for BlackBerry

  8. Calls - Movius for BlackBerry iOS

    Read on to learn about making calls in mobile applications.  Overview There are multiple ways to place a call in MultiLine: from the  Keypad , from the  Recents  tab, from Click-to-Dial , and from your Contacts list. Before...
  9. Calls - MultiLine for Intune iOS

    Read on to learn about making calls in mobile applications.  Overview There are multiple ways to place a call in MultiLine: from the  Keypad , from the  Recents  tab, from Click-to-Dial , and from your Contacts list. Before...
  10. Onboarding End Users

    End users love the convenience and simplicity of MultiLine. A little upfront communication and education prepares employees to adopt the service. Seeing is believing Demo the MultiLine app to dismantle concerns and highlight key features. We have ...