Updated Articles

  1. MultiLine WhatsApp Group Messaging - Microsoft Teams Connector

    Read on to learn about WhatsApp Group Messaging from the MultiLine Messaging app for Microsoft Teams.  Overview You can send WhatsApp Group Messages from the MultiLine Messaging App for Microsoft Teams. This feature allows multiple MultiLin...
  2. Quick Start Guides: MultiLine Mobile Apps

  3. Quick Start Guides: MultiLine Mobile Android apps Updated

    The quick start guides below provide a basic introduction to the Android mobile app.  For iOS, see Quick Start Guides: MultiLine Mobile iOS apps How to pick your Quick Start Guide Because there are multiple ways that your company can set ...
  4. Product Document - Android Tablet

    MultiLine Android app for Tablet product document. Includes features and limitations, admin enablement, and user experience.
  5. Quick Start Guides: MultiLine Mobile iOS apps

    The quick start guides below provide a basic introduction to the iOS mobile app.  For Android see Quick Start Guides: MultiLine Mobile Android apps . How to pick your Quick Start Guide Because there are multiple ways that your company can se...
  6. T-Mobile MultiLine Android Release Notes

  7. Version 4.01.02 HF1 | Android Release Notes

    T-Mobile MultiLine Android Apps v. 4.01.02 HF1 Release Notes What's New? Changes to Ringing Control - MS Teams and MultiLine mobile app  Recently, we released a Ringing Control feature that encouraged users to turn off ringing for incomi...
  8. T-Mobile MultiLine iOS Release Notes

  9. Version 4.02.01 HF1 | Release Notes New

    T-Mobile MultiLine iOS Apps v. 4.02.01 HF1 Release Notes What's New? Changes to Ringing Control - MS Teams and MultiLine mobile app  Recently, we released a Ringing Control feature that encouraged users to turn off ringing for incoming...
  10. About T-Mobile iOS Release Notes

    T-Mobile MultiLine iOS apps are versions of MultiLine iOS apps created for Movius partner T-Mobile.  Pre-Release Notice:β€― Please note that some features listed are still in process of being tested.  Movius reserves the right to ca...