Updated Articles

  1. How do I contact support? | iOS Updated

    How to get in touch with support.
  2. How do I contact support? | Android Updated

    When you need help from support, tap your Settings  menu, then Help. Select Settings , then Help .  Choose how you want to contact support: Email a Log to Support:   If you've been requested to email logs, t...
  3. Troubleshooting MultiLine

  4. Customize App and Portal Branding

  5. Customize the mobile app

    Read on to learn how to add your Enterprise branding and help information to the MultiLine app.  Overview You can edit your Enterprise's   Mobile App look and feel under Branding  in the Setup  tab. You can customize: ...
  6. WhatsApp Messaging

  7. WhatsApp Messaging - Teams

  8. MultiLine WhatsApp Messaging - Teams

    Read on to learn about how to send WhatsApp messages from MultiLine Messaging app in Microsoft Teams.  Overview The MultiLine Messaging app from Microsoft Teams allows you to send WhatsApp messages and group messages.  ...
  9. WhatsApp Group Messaging

  10. Group Messaging - Teams