
MultiLine provides you a phone within a phone, which includes a separate dialer, call log, and caller ID. When you call in MultiLine, you'll use your MultiLine number and the professional identity set up by your administrator. We promise it is as easy to use as the call app on your phone.

Place calls from the keypad, recent calls, messages, phone number links, and contacts list.

MultiLine automatically handles any compliance requirements such as call recording, call recording announcements, and more.

Calling from Keypad

How to directly dial a number from the keypad.

Calling from Recents

How to call back those who have called you

Calling from Messages

How to call people who have left a message or voicemail

Calling from Contacts

How to call people from contacts list

Calling with Click-to-Dial numbers and conference codes

How to click to dial numbers in MultiLine

Calling international numbers

How MultiLine handles international numbers

Calling short codes

How MultiLine handles dialing short codes

Using Caller ID

How MultiLine Caller ID works

Adding additional participants to a call

How to add an additional participant to a call

Transfering a call

How to transfer a call in MultiLine

Blocking calls

How to block unwanted calls in MultiLine

Call Icons

About the Call Icons on the Recents screen