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  1. Default Country Code Calling Mode - Intune

  2. Set Sequential or Simultaneous Dial - Intune

  3. Version 4.02.03 | MultiLine for Intune iOS

    MultiLine iOS App v. 4.02.03  Release Notes Deployment Schedule MultiLine for Intune iOS | May 26, 2024 Bug Fixes ID Description CS-233299 Fix for Voicemail if iPhone goes into sleep mode. CS-233647 Fix for WeChat messages ...
  4. Version 4.02.04 | MultiLine for Intune iOS

    Movius MultiLine iOS App v. 4.02.04 Release Notes Production Deployment Schedule MultiLine for Intune iOS | June 2, 2024 Bug Fixes ID Description CS-233743 Fix for LINE issue; display of number still holds SM prefix (i.e. ...
  5. How do I contact support? | Desktop

    Read on to learn how to contact support from the MultiLine Desktop application.  When you need help from support, select the Support icon.   Select Support from the bottom of the main menu. Email a Log to Support:   If you've been re...
  6. Call Handling - Movius for BlackBerry

  7. Voicemail

  8. Set My Schedule

  9. Calls - Movius for BlackBerry

  10. WhatsApp Opt-In Flow