Updated Articles

  1. Getting consent to message using WhatsApp Opt-In Flow

    Refer to this topic to learn what to expect when you initiate a new WhatsApp conversation.  Overview WhatsApp Business Accounts are required to gain consent from WhatsApp users prior to messaging them. These opt-in messages are captured by ...
  2. Social Messaging Release Notes

  3. WhatsApp Message Queueing

    WhatsApp Message Queuing is available for MultiLine Desktop app and the MultiLine Messaging for Teams app in Version 2.1.1 (June 8, 2024). Coming soon to mobile apps. Details below: 
  4. WhatsApp Messaging - Intune

  5. WhatsApp Messaging - MultiLine Android

    Read on to learn about sending and replying to messages with WhatsApp Messaging Connector.  Overview The WhatsApp Messaging Connector allows compliant WhatsApp messaging directly inside MultiLine.  MultiLine users can send WhatsApp m...
  6. WhatsApp - Movius for BlackBerry

  7. WhatsApp Messaging - MultiLine iOS

    Read on to learn about sending and replying to messages with WhatsApp Messaging Connector.  Overview The WhatsApp Messaging Connector allows compliant WhatsApp messaging directly inside MultiLine.  MultiLine users can send WhatsApp m...
  8. WhatsApp Messaging - MultiLine iOS

    Learn how messaging and conversations work when using the WhatsApp Messaging Connector.
  9. WhatsApp Messaging - Microsoft Teams

    Read on to learn about how to send WhatsApp messages from MultiLine Messaging app in Microsoft Teams.  Overview The MultiLine Messaging app from Microsoft Teams allows you to send WhatsApp messages and group messages.  ...
  10. MultiLine Messaging | Version 2.1.1 | Release Notes

    This is the planned content and schedule for MultiLine Messaging for Microsoft Teams Version 2.1.1. Deployment Date: June 8, 2024 Bug Fixes No bugs in this release. Version History Date Description 06/06/2024 Created 06/07/2...