Manage Reporting and Metrics

Reports for Enterprise-wide MultiLine usage

Read on to learn how to view how many messages, calls, and data have been consumed by all the users in your organization. 


The Consumption Metrics page will give you an enterprise-wide overview of your organization's MultiLine usage - tracking and graphing the amount of minutes used, messages sent, and mobile data consumed. You can choose to view a number of timeframes, including the current cycle, past cycle, or week by week.

Before you start

How to view enterprise consumption metrics

  1. Go to the Reports tab and then to the Consumption Metrics tab in the sub-menu.
    Reports > Reports Menu > Consumption Metrics
  2.  Consumption Metrics will automatically display Voice, Messages, and Data for the Current Cycle.
    Consumption Metrics
  3. Use the drop-down menu in the top right to view by Custom Date, Today, Last 7 Days, Current Cycle, or Last Cycle.
    • If you select custom date, you can select a day or range from the calendar. 
      • Click twice on a day to view usage for the day, click twice on two different days to set a range.
      • If you need to adjust the range selected, just click a third time to set a new range.
        Select a Custom Date
  4. Hover the mouse over data points to see more information.
    Voice: Incoming and Outgoing
    Messages: Sent and Received
    Data: MB Consumed
  5. Click the download icon to download a report.
    Example Report: Voice
    Example Report: SMS Consumption

Example Report: Data

Reports on MultiLine usage by User

Read on to learn how to pull a report that shows data on a MultiLine user's calls and messages over a certain time period.


The User Metrics page gives you an overview of a specific user's MultiLine usage - allowing you to search by name, number, call duration, and more!

You can pull a user's report in the Management Portal using a wide variety of search criteria including customizable date ranges, user names, or phone numbers.  

Before you start

How to pull a report MultiLine usage by User

  1. Go to the Reports tab and then to the User Metrics page in the sub-menu.
    Reports > Reports Menu > User MetricsReports > Reports Menu > User Metrics
  2. Enter search criteria.
    • Enter a Name, Email or MultiLine number in Keywords.
    • Apply a Date Range
      • Click twice on day to see results from that day, click twice on separate days to set a range.
    • Set a minimum or maximum on Call Duration, Data Consumed, or Number of Messages, if desired. 
      • You must set both a minimum and maximum. 
    • In the example below, I searched records for users who sent 150-300 messages from September 1, 2021 to November 30, 2021.
      Example: Search by Range
    • In the example below, I searched records for "Jignesh" between September 1, 2021 to November 30, 2021.
      Example: Search by Name

How to download a report

Reports can be exported to Excel in the .CSV format using the small export icon on the top right of the report results page download icon.

Example Report: Search by Range

Reports on MultiLine usage by Activity (Voice, Messaging, Data)

Read on to learn how to search, view, and download reports on MultiLine usage by activity, including voice, messages, and data. 


The Activities pages will allow you to search and download MultiLine calls and messages. You can view detailed metrics on usage of voice, messages, and data in your organization. 

Before you start

How to pull reports on MultiLine usage by Voice

  1. Go to Reports > Activities > Voice.
  2. Enter your Search Criteria:

Voice Search By 

Field Description of Use
Call TypeNarrow your search to:
  • All calls
  • Calls received
  • Calls sent
  • Calls to voicemail
  • Dropped calls
KeywordsSearch by Name, Email, or Device #
From/ToNarrow your search to calls from or to specific numbers
Date RangeNarrow your search to calls between a start and end date
Call DurationNarrow your search within a minimum and maximum duration
Call ModeNarrow your search to TDM or Data calls

Example: Search Voice by Name

  • Hover over grey icons beside date to see whether the call was incoming, outgoing, or went to voicemail
  • Call Quality icons indicate whether the call was made over good (green icon) or poor signal (yellow icon).  

How to pull reports on MultiLine usage by Messages

  1. Go to Reports > Activities > Messages.
  2. Enter your Search Criteria: 

Messages activities

FieldDescription of Use
TypeNarrow your search to:
  • All messages
  • All sent messages
  • All received messages

WhatsApp enabled organizations

If you're in a WhatsApp enabled organization, you can choose from the following:

  • All messages
  • SMS sent
  • SMS received
  • All WhatsApp Messages
  • WhatsApp Messages sent
  • WhatsApp Messages received
KeywordsNarrow your search to Name, Email, Device #, or group id
From/ToNarrow your search to messages from or two specific numbers
Date RangeNarrow your search within a start date and end date
ModeNarrow your search to messages sent over TDM or data

Example: Search Messages by Name

  • Hover over the grey icons in the Date column to see whether the message was incoming or outgoing
  • For organizations with WhatsApp Connector enabled, you will see a green WhatsApp icon in the Date column to identify those messages. See Pull WhatsApp Message Reports.

How to pull reports on MultiLine usage by Data usage

  1. Go to Reports > Activites > Data
  2. Enter your Search Criteria. 

Data activities

FieldDescription of Use
KeywordsNarrow your search to Name, Email, or MultiLine number
Date RangeNarrow your search within a start date and end date
Network TypeNarrow your search to Wi-Fi or Data network type
Data ConsumedNarrow your search between minimum and maximum MB or GB consumed
ApplicationNarrow to MultiLine usage or 3rd party app usage

Example: Search by Data Consumed

Example Reports

Example Voice Report

Example Messages Report

MultiLine Admin Activity Reports

Read on to learn how to search, view, and download reports on activities Admins are doing in the Management portal. 


Whenever Admins perform actions in the Management Portal the actions are logged in reports. The Administrator Activity page provides a detailed and comprehensive search of all activities performed by Admins in the organization.

Admins can find reports of Employee activity by searching for Admin Reports. 

Before you start

How to see reports on Admin activity

  1. Go to Reports > Administrator Activity 
  2. Search by
    • Date Range
    • Activity Type(by default all are selected)
      • All
      • Portal Access
      • View
      • Write
      • Download
    • Event Type(by default all are selected)
      • There are 40 event types corresponding to all the activities administrators can perform in the portal or API. 
      • Examples: Login, Download Activities, Delete User Account
    • Administrator (name or email)
    • Organization (name or id)
    • Details
      • MultiLine number
      • First and last name
      • Device number
      • User permissions
      • Email address
      • IP Address
      • and more...
  3. View the results of the search
    • If you search using the Details field, searched terms will be highlighted when you expand a result's details
  4. Use the Download buttons to save the .CSV file(s)
    • This action, like any other you take in the portal, will generate an activity report under your administrator details

WhatsApp Message Reports

Read on to learn how to pull reports on WhatsApp Messages. 


You can retrieve your WhatsApp message reports from the Management Portal in Reports > Activities > Messages, just as you would SMS messages.

How to pull WhatsApp message reports

  1. Go to Reports then to the Activities page.
  2. Choose Messages.Screen showing navigation from Reports to Reports Menu to Messages to Message Activity screen
  3. WhatsApp messages are indicated by the green WhatsApp icon.
    WhatsApp icon highlighted in Message Activity Results

Messages activities

FieldDescription of Use
TypeYou can narrow your search to:
  • All messages
  • All SMS messages
  • SMS messages received
  • SMS messages sent
  • All WhatsApp messages
  • WhatsApp messages received
  • WhatsApp messages sent
KeywordsNarrow your search to Name, Email, Device #, or group id
From/ToNarrow your search to messages from or two specific numbers
Date RangeNarrow your search within a start date and end date
ModeNarrow your search to messages sent over TDM or data

Download or play call recording

Read on to learn about how to play or download a call recording. 


Call recordings are available in the Management Portal for a certain duration of time before they are securely deleted. Admins can play and download these recordings manually using the Reports tool. 

Call recordings are in .wav format. 

Before you start 

Download a Call Recording

1. Go to Reports, then Activities > Voice Activities

2. If required, you can narrow down the results by using the Search feature.

3. You can play or download the recording by selecting the icons in the Audio Recording column.

Batch Operation Reports

Read on to learn about batch operation reports. 


Batch Operation Reports is a section of the Reports tool that allows you to view the results of batch operations. 

Before you start 

Types of batch operation reports

Operation TypeDescription
Multiple Account(s) Import & InviteReport generated after an admin uses a CSV file to import & invite multiple users at the same time. 
Multiple Account(s) ImportReport generated after an admin uses a CSV file to import multiple users only, without inviting the users. 

Downloading batch operation reports

  1. Go to Reports > Batch Operation Reports.
  2. Click the download icon for the Batch Operation Report.
About this Article
  • Created: 10/12/2021 12:52 pm EDT
  • Last updated: 07/22/2024 5:52 pm EDT
Release Notes
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