Version 4.03.03 | Release Notes

T-Mobile MultiLine iOS App v. 4.03.03 Release Notes

What's new?

This release updates the T-Mobile MultiLine app in preparation for policy changes related to Apple's iOS 18 release, expected to be between mid to late September. It also contains the launch of the new feature MultiLine Indicator, Screen updates and WhatsApp and WeChat Message Queuing updates. 

New Contact Permission Screens

It's important to grant MultiLine full access to contacts to ensure the smooth function of Caller ID and Contact Sync. However, granting this access is something that understandably concerns people.

MultiLine apps are privacy-focused, and do not upload, transmit, or store any information on the user's contact list. The permission is required to allow MultiLine to add a single contact to the user's contact list, which is used for routing Caller ID information when using Minutes mode, and for displaying Contacts if the user is using the Contact Sync feature. The screens inform the user about the reason for requesting the permission and provides helpful reminders if the permission is not granted.


MultiLine Indicator

People use MultiLine as their work number for communicating with clients, partners and co-workers. When it comes to internal communications between co-workers, it's important to keep the conversation happening between work numbers rather than any personal numbers that may be added to the Contact list. 

The MultiLine Indicator is an "M" icon that appears near a contact name or number to identify it as a MultiLine number. This makes it easy to identify a co-worker's MultiLine number within MultiLine applications. The indicator appears for all MultiLine users in the company across all regions where the company operates. 

NOTICE: MultiLine Indicator changes are available in the client, however it is not yet ready for testing. 

WhatsApp Message Queuing

Meta policies for WhatsApp Business users, which includes MultiLine users, restrict the ability to send messages prior to receiving an opt-in message and after 24-hours have passed since the WhatsApp user has responded to the message.

Previously, MultiLine applications would only allow sending the template messages and not allow input into the text field during these scenarios. Now, MultiLine users can compose and send a configurable number of messages that will be held in a queue to be sent after the WhatsApp user opts in or reinitiates the conversation by sending a message. This enhances their productivity and allows the messaging experience to be more natural for both parties. 

See WhatsApp Message Queueing for more details. 

WeChat Message Queuing

WeChat policies for Official Accounts, which includes MultiLine users, disallow too many messages to be sent to WeChat users without a response from the WeChat user.

Previously, MultiLine applications did not have any restrictions on the number of messages sent by the user. Now, disclaimers inform both MultiLine users and WeChat of the policy. MultiLine users will be able to send a configurable number of messages that will be held in a queue to be sent after the WeChat user replies with a message. WeChat users will be reminded to reply to the message to keep the conversation going. 

See WeChat Messaging for more details.

User Experience Changes

We've implemented a couple of visual changes to screens of the app to improve user experience. 

  • The Edit action on the Calls screen is moved to the left-side. 
  • After tapping Edit action on the Calls screen, Done and Clear actions appear. 
  • Change the color used for Save action on the Voicemail Greeting screen when using Dark Mode to improve visibility with a brighter, more contrasting value of blue. 
  • For those using Exchange Contacts as their Contact list source, when searching contacts the search may now be refined to Contacts or Directory. 

Version History

Date Description
09/20/2024 Created
About this Article
  • Created: 09/20/2024 4:10 pm EDT
  • Last updated: 09/25/2024 12:27 pm EDT
Release Notes
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